Time to stop and appreciate. 270 km / Day 5

The Great Escape from Montebelluna 

I woke up around 7 am, the rain still like the day before but this time some unwelcome guest joined the party: Wind.
Breakfast at the hotel was descent but it didn't meet my quota of calories needed for challenging these two (rain+wind=low temperature). The gentleman at the front desk looked at me like "why do you do this to yourself? ", he couldn't resist to ask:
- this is sport or pleasure?-
- Na! Just a dream of mine. - But I should've say "I don't know dude, I'm just a masochist". 

Around 9 am I was back under the water, the Bikemap app, as usual, keep on giving me errors, I had to stop every once in a while, reset the program, check if I still was on the path, plus deal the water falling on the waterproof screen protector and not responding to my finger touch. But finally I found a way to make it work, 

Ah Domenica! Of course, Sunday. Nothing is open to stop and eat, but the markets are open til noon, bought enough (roughly) for two days (I remembered my mom saying that nothing opens on Mondays).

The streets are over flooded with water, 99% of the rural road don't have a shoulder and some of them are pretty old. Cars driving by showered me completely and the wind, that wind man... It is not strong but cold enough to remind me that: there isn't a single dry spot in my body. Around 15:30ish I sighted a perfect place to camp, didn't meet the kilometers settled. It's dry and I hope "safe", it's an old path for fisherman with an old gazebo, 200 meters from a church. Tomorrow the rain should stop, it may remain cloudy and cold, but enough water for today. 


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